Friday, November 14, 2008

Persons Found in Their Homes Helpless or Dead. How Can This Be Avoided?

Results The median age of the persons found helpless or dead was 73 years; 51 percent were women. Find out what can be done by reading this article.

The Social Safety Monitor is a concept that was developed from a need identified in an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine that reported the findings of a study examining occurrences of Persons Found in Their Homes Helpless or Dead.

Results The median age of the persons found helpless or dead was 73 years; 51 percent were women. The frequency of such incidents increased sharply with age, from a rate of 3 per 1000 per year among those 60 to 64 years of age to 27 per 1000 per year among those 85 years of age or older. The total mortality was 67 percent for patients who were estimated to have been helpless for more than 72 hours, as compared with 12 percent for those who had been helpless for less than 1 hour.

The need identified was to develop systems that could provide “more frequent checks", for those people who live alone.



Simply set an alarm in the unit to go off at a certain time each day. If the alarm is not turned off within 30 minutes this unit will begin to call the phone numbers that are programmed in it.

This will call and alert the people on the call list that the person being monitored has not turned off their alarm. This could indicate that there is a situation with the monitored person and assistance is needed.

This is the perfect feature to ensure that someone is ACTIVE EACH and EVERY DAY.

OTHER FEATURES: Store up to 6 telephone numbers for each type of emergency.

The wireless pendant can be used to activate the speakerphone for any incoming call.

Talkback - The unit will repeat (speak) each number as you program it during programming mode.

Caller ID - If you have caller ID service activated on your phone line, the dialer will announce all incoming caller's telephone numbers.

Social Safety Alarm - The unit can be set to alarm at the time you choose once a day. If the alarm is not turned off within 30 minutes, the unit will automatically begin calling the phone numbers you have listed. A pre-recorded personalized message alerts the person who answers that an emergency exists.